Friday, June 28, 2013

How to Prevent Typhoid Fever?

 Typhoid Fever Bacteria
Typhoid fever is caused by the bacteria Salmonella Typhi and is a life-threatening illness that can be passed from the infected person to others through contact. Bacteria are present in the bloodstream of the infected person, who shed it through their feces. Typhoid fever spreads through unhygienic living conditions and unclean surroundings. Outbreak of Typhoid is common in the developing countries as compared to the developed countries.

Symptoms of Typhoid fever

The common symptoms of Typhoid fever are high-fever, stomach ache, and loss of appetite, malaise, rash of flat, rose-colored spots, enlarged spleen, and slow heartbeat. Typhoid can be confirmed by testing the stool and blood samples of the person. Generally, Typhoid can be prevented by following some simple rules of hygiene and cleanliness.

Prevention of Typhoid fever

Most important step to prevent the spread of Typhoid is taking care of what you eat. When travelling, avoid eating from roadside stalls and eateries as their hygiene standards may not be up to the mark. Consume food that is well cooked, preferably served steaming hot as the heat can destroy the resident bacteria. Fresh fruits and vegetables are good options as long as they have been washed well by you. Peel them before eating to be doubly sure.

Moreover, the Typhoid bacteria can spread through contaminated water. Therefore, it is advisable to carry bottled water always with you wherever you go. Avoid drinking water from roadside taps and water points as the danger of it being contaminated are high. Before using bottles and cans, make sure to wipe them clean before opening them. Avoid asking for ice, as the source of water for the ice is not known. Use bottled water for personal use like brushing and rinsing the mouth.

Another important step to avoid getting infected the Typhoid bacteria is to get you vaccinated. It is not an absolute guarantee, but it provides the necessary immunity, thereby reducing the risk of getting infected by the bacteria. You can get immunized repeatedly as the effectiveness of the vaccine reduces over time.

Personal hygiene plays a vital role in preventing the spread of Typhoid. Always wash your hands after visiting the washrooms as the taps and faucets could have been used by an infected person. You can wash your hands with warm water and soap, or use sanitizers. Remember to wash your hands before handling food items; like before you start cooking or eating. This reduces the risk of the bacterial getting ingested. Keep an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to clean your hands in case water is not available or is not clean.

Preventing the spread of Typhoid fever

It is essential to take the necessary precautions from getting infected by the Typhoid bacteria, but it is equally important to prevent it from spreading in our surroundings. Maintaining personal hygiene and washing hands regularly reduce the risk of infection. Keeping your house and surrounding clean is vital. In case you are infected, do not handle food for others unless cleared by a doctor. Also, it is necessary to keep your clothes and utensils separate and wash them thoroughly.