Saturday, June 22, 2013

5 Reasons for Dry Flaky Skin on Face

Dry Flaky Skin on Face
The type of skin problem that is considered to be among the worst is dry flaky skin on face. It is actually when the flakes start to itch that this ailment becomes worse since scratching is inevitable. It does not only stop from scratching, but it can also even lead to infection or scars. Additionally, irritating lotions or makeup can worsen it making it look unsightly. 

Another for you : Top 10 Easy ‘Natural Home Remedies’ for Dry Skin 

Oftentimes, the fatty deposit that gives the skin its soft and flexible touch as well as moisture is lacking in dry skin. This skin problem is common in seasons where the air is particularly dry. This can affect all types of skin and poses more problems on the dry skin type. Peeling and cracking then occur when the skin is dehydrated.

There are actually 5 reasons for having dry flaky skin on face. It is best to know these reasons to avoid this unpleasant skin problem.

01. Skin disease: A certain skin disease such as dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis causes the skin to become swollen, red and dry. Having this skin condition which recurs all throughout the year makes it a serious skin problem that should be treated.

02. Sun exposure: Sunlight is also essential to your body and skin, but too much exposure to it damages your skin. This is especially true for those staying in the sun for too long. As the skin is damaged, it looks leathery, discolored, wrinkled and dry. This somewhat makes the skin look thicker, but the truth is, it has lost its vitality causing it to crack more easily.

03. Conditions and Medications: Some medications have side effects causing dry flaky skin on face. Hyperthyroidism and diabetes can result in having dry skin. It is important for those taking medications or having certain conditions to consult a dermatologist to check out if their conditions or medications are responsible for this skin problem.

04. Improper Diet: The moisture your skin has naturally come from inside your body and the environment outside it. Dry flaky skin on face is actually the result of the lack of water and nutrients in the body. If your diet is poor and your body does not get the right nutrients it should have, your skin will eventually dry out. Aside from fruits and vegetables, include sufficient vitamin K, E, C, B, and A in your daily diet. Try to drink plenty of water as well.

05. Strong Soap: Detergents and soaps that are strong usually have harsh chemicals, colorants or scents. It is always recommended using soaps that have mild ingredients such as aloe, lanolin and glycerin. Soaps with these ingredients prevent the skin from getting dry.