Saturday, July 13, 2013

Simple yet Effective Methods on How to Get Teeth White

Simple yet Effective Methods on How to Get Teeth White
Many people nowadays are looking on how to get teeth white. You can ask for a dentist to whiten your teeth for you but do you have to do this often just to get your teeth white? It costs a lot to ask your dentist to whiten your teeth especially if you have to do it once every 3 months. It might not be a hassle for some people, but there are some who want to know how to get teeth white naturally. Below are some of the simple tips that you can do to whiten your teeth without the need to go to your dentist.

The most basic of all the whitening methods is brushing your teeth after every meal. If you want to know how to get teeth white, this is probably the easiest way to do it, but you need to be well-disciplined when it comes to this. Many people forget their daily teeth brushing routine so if you think that you can keep this up every time you eat or drink anything, you can be sure that your teeth will whiten after a couple of months.

The use of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda also became a well-known method to people who are finding effective ways on how to get teeth white. This is highly popular because it is known as a natural teeth whitener. It is already tried and tested so many people are using it to whiten their teeth. Mix some hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to create a paste. Make sure that the paste is not too gritty because it can scrub the enamel once you apply it to your teeth. You can put the paste on the brush and apply it to your teeth. 

Olive oil  is a good teeth whitener, though only a few people know about this. You can always see some olive oil on your kitchen, but you don’t have any idea that you can use it for teeth whitening. Many people said that their teeth got whiter after applying olive oil. You can use your tooth brush to apply it on your teeth, or you can use a clean piece of cloth and wipe the olive oil on your teeth. Do this on a daily basis for several months to see the results.

Lemon or Orange peels can be great teeth whitening product as well. They can be used to whiten your teeth, but you need to rinse your mouth after applying it because the acidity of the fruits can remove the enamel from your teeth. This is one of the most effective ways on how to get teeth white if you use it properly.