Sunday, July 14, 2013

5 Simple Home Remedies for Tooth Pain that You Can Find on the Kitchen

5 Simple Home Remedies for Tooth Pain
Toothache is one of the most common conditions that many people are experiencing. The throbbing pain might be gentle or sharp, and there are times that it is extremely unbearable. The most common cause of tooth ache is dental cavity or a crack on the teeth. There are also certain conditions like jaw joint disorder or gum diseases that may cause toothache. However, it is highly recommended only to take advice from your dentist for tooth pain caused after tooth extraction.

Many people are looking for remedies for tooth pain. Some of them are even taking medications to relieve the pain. While these treatments are good to temporarily ease the pain from your tooth, what will happen if you do not have any medicines in your house? Do you have to go out and buy medicines for tooth pain? This is the reason why we are providing you some easy home remedies for tooth pain that are highly effective.

01. Cloves

Cloves are known as one of the best remedies for tooth pain. It helps relieve the pain because of its anti inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, and it is helpful to avoid complications that result in tooth extractions as well. There are different ways to use cloves to your teeth. You can get some clove oil and put it on a cotton ball. Press it on the affected area until the pain stops. You can also put a few drops of clove oil in the water and use it to rinse your mouth. You can grind some cloves as well and put it on a small amount of oil before you apply it on your tooth.

02. Garlic

Garlic can be found in almost any household, and if you suddenly experienced a tooth ache, you can use this immediately. If you can’t do anything because of the pain, get a few cloves of garlic and chew it to get relief for tooth pain. You can crush the garlic as well and add some rock salt. Put it on the affected area for faster relief.

03. Onion

Onion is known for its antimicrobial properties, so it is a great remedy for tooth pain. You can chew some raw onion if your tooth is aching. If you can’t bear the taste of raw onion, get a small piece and put it on your tooth.

04. Warm Salt

Warm salt water is a great way to remove tooth pain. Just put a half spoon of salt in warm water. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water to remove your tooth ache. This method can help reduce the swelling on your teeth, and it can kill the bacteria that are causing the infection. Do this at least 3x every day for better results.

05. Ice Cubes

If you have ice cubes on your refrigerator, you can also use this to alleviate the pain from your tooth. You can get some ice cubes, put it on a thin cloth and rub it on your cheek over the aching tooth. This is one of the best remedy for tooth pain that you can use.