Sunday, July 28, 2013

Top 5 Acne Friendly Foods to Consider in Fighting Acne

Top 5 Acne Friendly Foods to Consider in Fighting Acne
The causes of acne are still a controversial issue for many people, especially to those who want to know what cause acne. There are a lot of studies related to what cause acne and there are a lot of causes mentioned including hormonal imbalance, damage on the skin, overproduction of oil in the skin and more. While all these factors affect the development of acne, there are also ways to prevent the occurrence of acne and you can do it by knowing some of the acne-friendly foods that will either prevent or provide treatments to acne. Here are some of the top acne-friendly foods that you need to know.

Brazil nuts are said to be one of the best ways to treat acne. However, it is a bit contradicting because many people believe that nuts are related to what cause acne. There are nuts that are greasy in nature, and this is what most people are thinking about. The reason why Brazil nuts are effective in providing treatment for acne is because of its power antioxidant called selenium. It is a kind of antioxidant present on Brazil nuts that provide treatment to acne.

Foods that are rich in Zinc like oysters, beans, poultry fish and more can be considered as acne-friendly foods. It is said that Zinc controls the release of male hormones, which is related to what cause acne. Zinc is also used by the body to effectively absorb Vitamin A, which is important in having a healthy skin.

Salmon, flaxseed and other foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are also part of the list. Omega-3 fatty acids help prevent inflammation on the skin, so it makes perfect sense why foods that are rich in Omega-3 are acne-friendly foods. Inflammation on the skin is one of the cause of acne so foods that are rich in Omega-3 can help stop acne from developing on your skin.

You may want to know what cause acne and ways to prevent it, but you also need to include foods to your diet that will protect your skin from scars if you have a sudden acne attack.  Orange, tomatoes, melons and other fruits and vegetables that are rich in Vitamin C can help protect your skin from damage and scars after an acne attack. Vitamin C is said to strengthen your cell walls and protects your skin from blemishes and scars. 

Eggs, almonds and other foods that are rich in Vitamin E can help protect your skin from scarring and damage caused by acne. Though they do not directly prevent or treat acne, they protect your skin from scarring because of acne attacks. It is not easy to get some Vitamin E from low-fat diets, but you can get them from whole grains, nuts, vegetable oils and more.