Friday, June 28, 2013

Guaranteed Hair Loss Solution for Men and Women

Hair Loss Solution for Men and Women
Losing hair is no laughing matter, especially since it affects more than half the population all across the globe. Hair loss is no longer restricted to the male pattern of baldness, and it affects even the women. The reasons for hair loss could be a lack of nutrition, hormonal imbalances, stress or improper hair care. With the increase in the number of people complaining of hair loss, the options available for guaranteed hair loss solution has also grown exponentially. From home remedies to high tech scientific procedures and treatments, hair loss solutions are being marketed for every pocket.

Home remedies as hair loss solution

The home remedies focused on using ingredients available at home and which can be conveniently used. Regular massages with warm coconut oil before washing the hair is the most commonly suggested hair loss solution. Almond, castor or even olive oil can be used for this purpose. Applying juices of Aloe Vera or wheat-grass is another popular home remedy. Most importantly, the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet and proper sleep, are often extolled by the earlier generations.

Medical treatments as hair loss solution

The hair loss problem is gaining endemic proportions causing the scientific community to take serious note of it. Some doctors, researchers and scientists have spent their lifetime trying to discover the ultimate hair loss solution. Several doctors have developed medical treatments to help re-growth of the lost hair. While others have developed medicines, lotions, creams and oils, patented or non-patented, with guaranteed results. Some non-messy and easy to follow treatments have also been developed, like vitamins and pills, to be taken over a period of time for effective results.

As hair loss could also be due to hormonal imbalances, many doctors treat their patients for hormonal imbalances to ensure better results. Many of the over the counter drugs and pills offering hair loss solution claim to regulate the hormones, increase the blood supply to the scalp or hair follicles, accelerate the hair growth and help make the hair healthier. They even claim that their medicines are free of side effects and are guaranteed success. Competitive marketing of these products makes it even more necessary for these companies to offer attractive deals such as a money-back scheme or longer guarantee period while providing the highest quality products.

Surgical hair loss solution

Another hair loss solution, which is fast gaining acceptance and becoming popular, is the hair transplantation. It is a surgical procedure and is expensive as compared to the medical treatments. Hair transplant involves removing the active and healthy hair follicles and relocating them to the areas where there are bald patches. It is highly effective and has a high success rate. However, due to the cost factor, it is still beyond the reach as a guaranteed hair loss solution for the common people.

There are several hair loss solutions being offered with surprising guarantees. In spite of the number of solutions, the number of patients needing them is still rapidly growing. Whatever suits an individual is what provides him/her with the perfect hair loss solution.