Friday, June 28, 2013

Is Hair Restoration Success?

Hair Restoration Success
Hair restoration is a medically approved treatment for both men and women who suffer from varying degrees of baldness due to a variety of reasons. It is a surgical process and requires the follicular units to be extracted from the areas where hair growth is better and shifted to the bald patches. It is a specialized procedure and has to be carried out by specialists.  The hair restoration process has helped patients who suffer from baldness due to various reasons like genetics, stress or even medical conditions like burns.

What is Hair Restoration?

Hair restoration is a long and tedious procedure. Here, the healthy hair follicles are removed carefully with the help of surgical punch or similar device from the area where the growth is good, usually the back of the head. This procedure is called the follicular unit extraction, or FUE. Once the hair is extracted, it is then implanted into the area in the head where the hair growth is sparse. This implantation is done using micro-surgical implanters and is a slow and time consuming process. The whole hair restoration procedure may take a day or two to complete. It is a painless process, and the patient is awake throughout the duration. It may take up to a year to see the absolute results of this medical procedure.

Why Has Hair Restoration Gained So Much Popularity?

In simple terms, hair restoration process restores hair. This procedure was initially used mostly by men to cure their baldness, but over the past few years it has gained immense popularity with women as well. Many celebrities have resorted to hair restoration to maintain their locks and mane. However, restoration of hair is also advised for burn patients, those who have less or no eyebrows, or those who suffer from medical conditions, which caused them hair loss. Top to all these factors, high success rate of this procedure is the prominent reason why it gained immense popularity within a short span of time.

The reason for the increased number of people turning towards hair restoration is also social and psychological. The hair is often referred to as the ‘crowning glory’, so the loss of hair, or the gradual process of losing hair, has a strong effect on one’s subconscious. Without really being aware, one starts feeling less appreciative of him/her. It affects different people in different ways. Some accept it as a part of growing up while others look around for solutions to prevent it. Its growing success is seen from the mushrooming of several clinics and centers offering attractive offers and discounts as compared to a few years back when hair restoration was unheard of.  People are ready to spend if it gives them that extra edge over others. However, before going in for the surgery, one should make sure that the doctor is specialized in this particular form of surgery and is registered with the medical association. Otherwise, it could lead to all kinds of problems, both medical and personal. If the hair restoration treatment is not done by a qualified doctor or specialist, the hopes of a head full of hair could turn into a hair-raising experience.

Many medicines, lotions, and hair growth treatments are marketed to reduce or stop hair fall, with promises of lustrous mane within days or months. Such treatments are time consuming, expensive (though it doesn’t appear so since we buy the products every now and then for a long time), messy and need regular follow-up. The hair restoration procedure is not a long and tenuous procedure which disrupts the patient’s life. The surgery or transplant is carried out in a day or two maximum, with a minimum post-transplant care. Cost-wise, hair replacement at a reputable clinic may be expensive, but it’s a one-time expenditure, so much more advantageous. This has encouraged more people to seek hair restoration as an effective option. Even though it is a surgical procedure, there are no ugly scars or cuts showing. This hair treatment also boasts of absolute guarantee, unlike others. All he/she gets to flaunt is a filled up pate! With so many advantages, hair restoration has become a very successful option for those fretting over receding hairline or loss of hair.

How to Prevent Typhoid Fever?

 Typhoid Fever Bacteria
Typhoid fever is caused by the bacteria Salmonella Typhi and is a life-threatening illness that can be passed from the infected person to others through contact. Bacteria are present in the bloodstream of the infected person, who shed it through their feces. Typhoid fever spreads through unhygienic living conditions and unclean surroundings. Outbreak of Typhoid is common in the developing countries as compared to the developed countries.

Symptoms of Typhoid fever

The common symptoms of Typhoid fever are high-fever, stomach ache, and loss of appetite, malaise, rash of flat, rose-colored spots, enlarged spleen, and slow heartbeat. Typhoid can be confirmed by testing the stool and blood samples of the person. Generally, Typhoid can be prevented by following some simple rules of hygiene and cleanliness.

Prevention of Typhoid fever

Most important step to prevent the spread of Typhoid is taking care of what you eat. When travelling, avoid eating from roadside stalls and eateries as their hygiene standards may not be up to the mark. Consume food that is well cooked, preferably served steaming hot as the heat can destroy the resident bacteria. Fresh fruits and vegetables are good options as long as they have been washed well by you. Peel them before eating to be doubly sure.

Moreover, the Typhoid bacteria can spread through contaminated water. Therefore, it is advisable to carry bottled water always with you wherever you go. Avoid drinking water from roadside taps and water points as the danger of it being contaminated are high. Before using bottles and cans, make sure to wipe them clean before opening them. Avoid asking for ice, as the source of water for the ice is not known. Use bottled water for personal use like brushing and rinsing the mouth.

Another important step to avoid getting infected the Typhoid bacteria is to get you vaccinated. It is not an absolute guarantee, but it provides the necessary immunity, thereby reducing the risk of getting infected by the bacteria. You can get immunized repeatedly as the effectiveness of the vaccine reduces over time.

Personal hygiene plays a vital role in preventing the spread of Typhoid. Always wash your hands after visiting the washrooms as the taps and faucets could have been used by an infected person. You can wash your hands with warm water and soap, or use sanitizers. Remember to wash your hands before handling food items; like before you start cooking or eating. This reduces the risk of the bacterial getting ingested. Keep an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to clean your hands in case water is not available or is not clean.

Preventing the spread of Typhoid fever

It is essential to take the necessary precautions from getting infected by the Typhoid bacteria, but it is equally important to prevent it from spreading in our surroundings. Maintaining personal hygiene and washing hands regularly reduce the risk of infection. Keeping your house and surrounding clean is vital. In case you are infected, do not handle food for others unless cleared by a doctor. Also, it is necessary to keep your clothes and utensils separate and wash them thoroughly.

Easy Home Treatments for Acne

Easy Home Treatments for Acne
A lot of people have problems on acne. Most of these people rely on creams and other beauty products but are they really effective? Most beauty products on the market are effective, but they all have chemicals on their ingredients, which may cause allergic reactions to some people. Treatments for acne do not have to be chemical based because there are a lot of easy home treatments that you can use to solve your acne problems. If you are looking for the best treatments for acne that can be found inside your house, here are some of the home treatments that you can consider.

Baking soda masks are considered as one of the best home treatments for acne. Baking soda helps prevent break outs and skin inflammation, and it is also a perfect way to exfoliate your skin and remove dead skin cells. To use it, take a few teaspoons of baking soda and mix it on warm water. Mix it well until a paste is formed. If the mixture is still thin, add more baking soda, and if it is too thick, add more warm water. If it is your first time in using it, leave it on your skin for 10 to 15 minutes. Gradually increase the duration of the mask on your face until you can leave it there for a whole night.

Egg whites, like baking soda, can be made into a facial mask to help treat your acne. Egg whites are said to remove the oiliness on your skin, remove impurities and minimize your pores at the same time. It is one of the best treatments for acne that you can always find in your kitchen. To use, break the eggs and separate the yolk from the whites. If you do not have an egg yolk separator, you can try using a used plastic bottle. Just remove the cap, press and hold the bottle and place it on the yolk and release it. Put the egg whites on your face and leave it for 10 minutes to 1 hour.

Garlic can be a great help in treatments for acne. You can always see this on the kitchen so you will not have problems in looking for one. To use, slice the garlic in chunks. After that, apply the garlic on the problem area and make sure that the juice from the garlic is applied on the problem area. Leave it for 15 to 30 minutes and repeat the procedure on a daily basis.

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best treatments for acne. It contains antifungal and antibacterial properties, so it is also great for the skin. Since this ingredient is a bit powerful, a few teaspoons will do and dilute it in water. After that, apply it directly to your skin. Repeat the process on a daily basis for better results.

Home Remedies for Skin Rash

Home Remedies for Skin Rash
Skin rash is the medical explanation for inflammation or break out of the skin due to a variety of reasons; like an allergic reaction to pollution, pollens, temperature changes, use of products like soaps, perfumes or creams, or even insect bites. It could even be an allergic reaction to something ingested. Some of the common food items which cause allergic reactions are nuts, eggs, seafood and peanuts.  The skin rash could either be spread over the body or may be restricted to specific areas. Sometimes the skin rash can cause itching, swelling, burning or blisters and may need proper medical treatment to cure it. But most of the times, the minor rashes can be treated at home with ingredients found commonly in the kitchen.

Common home remedies for treating skin rash

Ice can provide the fastest relief from swelling or itching due to skin rash. Rub the affected area with ice cubes, to reduce the irritation and lower the blood circulation. This is the most effective and convenient home remedy for treating common skin rash.

Another ingredient, which provides instant relief, is milk. Clean the affected area with a soft cloth dipped in equal parts of milk and water to bring down the irritation and soothe the skin.

If there are bananas available handy, use the inner side of the banana peel and rub it on the inflamed area. It will immediately reduce the irritation and provide relief. Aloe Vera gel or juice is another guaranteed home remedy for treating skin rash. Fresh Aloe Vera gel or pulp can be obtained by cutting a leaf from the plant. You could even apply fresh lemon juice to the affected area and let it dry. It will bring down the irritation and itchiness.

Oatmeal is a common ingredient for most anti-rash creams. This is the reason why oatmeal is considered as one of the most effective home remedies for treating many forms of skin rash. Either used alone or mixed with milk and/or water, oatmeal soothes and moisturizes the skin. It provides the necessary protection from the irritation caused due to inflammation or itching.

Apply a paste made with baking soda and water on the skin rash. Leave it till it dries up and then wash it. It can rapidly provide relief from itchy and irritated skin. In case the skin rash is spread all over the body, then add some baking soda to the warm bath and get instant relief.

Herbs like basil, mint, chamomile and thyme are full of medicinal properties. They contain anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce the irritation and itchiness due to skin rash.  Wash the affected area with the tea decoction made from any of these herbs and feel the effects as the skin feels relaxed. It soothes and reduces the irritation.

Olive oil applied to the affected area provides a soothing effect. The medicinal properties of turmeric make it a desired anti-histamine. Ingesting turmeric powder mixed with water regularly helps kill the allergens in the body and control the skin rash.

Think Twice before Tooth Extraction

 Tooth Extraction
Tooth extraction, also referred to as the dental extraction or exodontia, is a medical procedure done to remove unwanted teeth from the mouth. Dental extraction is done for several purposes including extreme tooth infection or decay, advanced gum diseases, development of extra unwanted teeth, fracturing or breaking of teeth or for cosmetic purposes. Modern teeth removal can be done in two ways. There is the basic tooth extraction method which is carried out using a normal anesthetic. It is ideal when the tooth is well visible. The other method is surgical and involves teeth which cannot be easily accessed.

Modern medical advancements have made tooth extraction safer. This is, however, not to mean that there is no danger of development of complications after an extraction. Thus, it is important to consider the risks involved before getting your tooth extracted. There has been a documented case where a patient died while undergoing a simple tooth extraction. The cause of death was the lack of oxygen or hypoxia. Even though this is a rare occurrence, other complications are more common. Let’s have a look at some of the most common complications.


This is a very common problem that occurs after exodontia. An infection can be brought about by various factors including improper recuperation environment. In most cases, antibiotics are given either before or after the tooth extraction procedure to prevent an infection.

Persistent bleeding

Normal bleeding after tooth extraction should last for about eight to twenty four hours. Small amounts of blood can still be visible up to seventy two hours. In some cases, heavy bleeding persists beyond 24 hours. This can lead to various health complications. Gauze is usually used to stem the bleeding.


This is also a common occurrence. Swelling becomes a problem when it is extreme and persists for long. It usually results from surgical tooth extraction.

Complications resulting from the anesthesia used

The anesthesia itself may be a cause of complications including stroke or heart attack. This is because not all types of anesthesia are fit for all patients.

Other complications

More risks of tooth extraction include nerve damage at the affected site. This may result in loss of taste and permanent numbness. This complication is medically referred to as lingual nerve damage. Dry socket is another risk which involves the inflammation of the affected site. Lastly, it can cause damages to existing dental structure while the doctor attempting to extract a tooth. This may lead to even more problems later on.

The best way to mitigate these risks is through knowledge. You need to know what to do prior to the extraction and also after the procedure. Consult extensively with your doctor and discuss all the details surrounding the procedure. In case of any complication after the tooth extraction, talk to your doctor immediately before it gets worse. Finally, choose your dentist carefully. Ensure that the dentist attending to you is qualified and certified by the proper authorities. This will minimize the risks involved in the tooth extraction.

Why Parents Should Consider Getting a Health Insurance for Children

Happy Family
Children are the building blocks of any society. It is the responsibility of the society to provide the best to nurture their future. Health insurance for children is an initiative in this direction. A regular health insurance usually covers the adults in the family and can be used for covering the expenditure of their medical bills. However, in most cases, it does not cover the dependent children, even when they fall seriously ill. This makes it even more necessary to have a health insurance for children.

Reasons for Parents to Avail of Health Insurance for Children

The health insurance for children covers the insured children while they are getting treated at the hospitals or any other medical center. Parents always aspire to provide a secure environment where their children can be taken care of. By registering for a plan of health insurance for children, the parents ensure that the children receive proper medical treatment which is affordable. The insurance covers the expenditure incurred during the treatment at the hospital.

With coverage of health insurance for children, the parents are ensuring a better future for their children. They do not need to worry when the child falls sick as preventive care can be taken. Recurring illnesses and diseases can be prevented before they spread by getting the child treated on time. The spiraling hospital bills are also no longer scary or intimidating. This allows not just the children, but also the parents to enjoy healthy lives.

Health insurance for children with special needs and disabilities

Parents of children with special needs and disabilities have to deal with physical, psychological and emotional demands of the children. The added burdens of medical and health care expenditures increase their stress. It, therefore, becomes even more pertinent for such parents to take appropriate health insurance for children whose need specialized medical attention. The insurance cover may not be adequate to pay all the bills; it pays for part of the treatment, reducing the burden on the parents.

Disadvantages of not getting health insurance for children

On the other hand, the children who are not covered with a particular health insurance for children often lose out on even the regular check-ups and prevention. In case of any kind of emergency, proper medical treatment could be denied to them. The health insurance for children also covers prescription medications and immunization while uninsured children do not have access to these basic facilities.  

Health insurance for children ensures that the children are taken care of by providing them the necessary medical assistance when it is required. This enables the children to grow up healthy and active and become productive citizens of the country.

What are the Reasons for Black under Eyes?

What are the Reasons for Black under Eyes
The dark circles under your eyes, the black under eyes, are not solely due to lack of sleep as is so commonly assumed. They are the reflection of your inner health and mental state. Lack of sleep, staying up late or watching endless TV are some of the often repeated excuses. Black under eyes can be caused due to lack of proper nutrition, reaction to certain medication, stress, anemia or even could be hereditary.

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest on our body. There are no oil glands, and the area is made up of a network of fine blood capillaries that ensure blood flow to these sensitive areas. When the blood, which has leaked out of these capillaries, breaks down, it releases the blue-black color components that result in the black under eye.

Reasons for black under eyes

The most commonly cited reason for the black under eyes is the lack of sleep and fatigue. The fast-paced lifestyle, meeting deadlines, late nights, excessive TV or computer time, all take a toll on the body. So, the skin becomes pale, enabling the blood to become visible under the skin.

Moreover, what we eat affects our metabolism and health. Specially, lack of a balanced diet may results in deficiencies of vital vitamins and minerals in the body.  Iron deficiency, or anemia, is known to cause dark circles under the eyes. As the skin becomes pale, the veins start showing from under the skin creating ‘bruise marks’. (The dark circles sometimes look like bruises because of the blue-black tint).

Dark circles can also be inherited. Even if you sleep well, eat well and are healthy, you can still get bruise marks under your eyes if it is in the family. People who have pale skin are more prone to having dark circles under the eyes as the skin there is thinner and more translucent. A bluish tint is created when the blood is flowing around the eyes, making the skin look darker than the rest of the face. In case of deep-set bone structure, the eyes get shadowed making the areas around them look darker. Black under eyes becomes more prominent with age. With time, the collagen in the skin becomes thin and opaque. This allows the veins to be seen around the eyes, making the area darker.

We see distinct dark circles under the eyes when someone is not keeping well or is under medication. Some medicines may cause anemia like conditions, or even dilate the blood vessels, which could result in black under eyes. Also, some aliments cause excessive watering of the eyes or irritation in the eyes. Constant itching, rubbing or cleaning of the eyes can cause dark circles as it increases the blood flow to those areas. Moreover, allergic reactions irritating the sensitive skin around the eyes can be one of the causes for the dark circles.

Sometimes the problem is deep within, something that doesn’t get detected easily, like the condition of the liver. The dysfunction of the liver can cause a host of health problems, and the symptoms could include black under eyes.

Guaranteed Hair Loss Solution for Men and Women

Hair Loss Solution for Men and Women
Losing hair is no laughing matter, especially since it affects more than half the population all across the globe. Hair loss is no longer restricted to the male pattern of baldness, and it affects even the women. The reasons for hair loss could be a lack of nutrition, hormonal imbalances, stress or improper hair care. With the increase in the number of people complaining of hair loss, the options available for guaranteed hair loss solution has also grown exponentially. From home remedies to high tech scientific procedures and treatments, hair loss solutions are being marketed for every pocket.

Home remedies as hair loss solution

The home remedies focused on using ingredients available at home and which can be conveniently used. Regular massages with warm coconut oil before washing the hair is the most commonly suggested hair loss solution. Almond, castor or even olive oil can be used for this purpose. Applying juices of Aloe Vera or wheat-grass is another popular home remedy. Most importantly, the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet and proper sleep, are often extolled by the earlier generations.

Medical treatments as hair loss solution

The hair loss problem is gaining endemic proportions causing the scientific community to take serious note of it. Some doctors, researchers and scientists have spent their lifetime trying to discover the ultimate hair loss solution. Several doctors have developed medical treatments to help re-growth of the lost hair. While others have developed medicines, lotions, creams and oils, patented or non-patented, with guaranteed results. Some non-messy and easy to follow treatments have also been developed, like vitamins and pills, to be taken over a period of time for effective results.

As hair loss could also be due to hormonal imbalances, many doctors treat their patients for hormonal imbalances to ensure better results. Many of the over the counter drugs and pills offering hair loss solution claim to regulate the hormones, increase the blood supply to the scalp or hair follicles, accelerate the hair growth and help make the hair healthier. They even claim that their medicines are free of side effects and are guaranteed success. Competitive marketing of these products makes it even more necessary for these companies to offer attractive deals such as a money-back scheme or longer guarantee period while providing the highest quality products.

Surgical hair loss solution

Another hair loss solution, which is fast gaining acceptance and becoming popular, is the hair transplantation. It is a surgical procedure and is expensive as compared to the medical treatments. Hair transplant involves removing the active and healthy hair follicles and relocating them to the areas where there are bald patches. It is highly effective and has a high success rate. However, due to the cost factor, it is still beyond the reach as a guaranteed hair loss solution for the common people.

There are several hair loss solutions being offered with surprising guarantees. In spite of the number of solutions, the number of patients needing them is still rapidly growing. Whatever suits an individual is what provides him/her with the perfect hair loss solution.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

5 Reasons for Dry Flaky Skin on Face

Dry Flaky Skin on Face
The type of skin problem that is considered to be among the worst is dry flaky skin on face. It is actually when the flakes start to itch that this ailment becomes worse since scratching is inevitable. It does not only stop from scratching, but it can also even lead to infection or scars. Additionally, irritating lotions or makeup can worsen it making it look unsightly. 

Another for you : Top 10 Easy ‘Natural Home Remedies’ for Dry Skin 

Oftentimes, the fatty deposit that gives the skin its soft and flexible touch as well as moisture is lacking in dry skin. This skin problem is common in seasons where the air is particularly dry. This can affect all types of skin and poses more problems on the dry skin type. Peeling and cracking then occur when the skin is dehydrated.

There are actually 5 reasons for having dry flaky skin on face. It is best to know these reasons to avoid this unpleasant skin problem.

01. Skin disease: A certain skin disease such as dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis causes the skin to become swollen, red and dry. Having this skin condition which recurs all throughout the year makes it a serious skin problem that should be treated.

02. Sun exposure: Sunlight is also essential to your body and skin, but too much exposure to it damages your skin. This is especially true for those staying in the sun for too long. As the skin is damaged, it looks leathery, discolored, wrinkled and dry. This somewhat makes the skin look thicker, but the truth is, it has lost its vitality causing it to crack more easily.

03. Conditions and Medications: Some medications have side effects causing dry flaky skin on face. Hyperthyroidism and diabetes can result in having dry skin. It is important for those taking medications or having certain conditions to consult a dermatologist to check out if their conditions or medications are responsible for this skin problem.

04. Improper Diet: The moisture your skin has naturally come from inside your body and the environment outside it. Dry flaky skin on face is actually the result of the lack of water and nutrients in the body. If your diet is poor and your body does not get the right nutrients it should have, your skin will eventually dry out. Aside from fruits and vegetables, include sufficient vitamin K, E, C, B, and A in your daily diet. Try to drink plenty of water as well.

05. Strong Soap: Detergents and soaps that are strong usually have harsh chemicals, colorants or scents. It is always recommended using soaps that have mild ingredients such as aloe, lanolin and glycerin. Soaps with these ingredients prevent the skin from getting dry.