Tuesday, August 6, 2013

5 Key Points to Be Considered for Finding out the Best Hair Shampoo that Perfectly Suits You

The beauty and grace of women is depicted form their looks, style and dressing. Talking of the personality, the first thing that catches the eye is the hair style of a woman. The better the texture and health of the hair, the better they look. But, in order to have silky, healthy and frizz-free hair, you need to apply suitable hair shampoo on them. However, not all hair shampoos are of top-notch quality. Likewise, not all hair shampoos provide the same results as mentioned on their packing. Thus, in order to find out the best hair shampoo, you need to consider the following key points:

Firstly, you must perform a proper research of the texture of your hair and the key ingredients of the shampoos. This is so because all hair shampoos do not include similar ingredients. Generally, the shampoos are differentiated on the basis of their key ingredients and different requirements for all types of hairs. For example, shampoos for oily hair include chief ingredients that minimize the oil and provide oil-free and shiny hair. Similarly, normal hair shampoo contains the regular ingredients. A dandruff shampoo is made up of key ingredients such as zinc pyrithione, coal tar, sulfur and salicylic acid etc. Thus, pick the best hair shampoo based on your hair condition and required key ingredients for providing efficient and positive results.

Also, opt for the best hair shampoo of any renowned brand. Do not compromise your hair over cheap and harmful shampoos. Even if the branded shampoos are more expensive than the regular ones, their usage prevents you from getting weaker and damaged hairs and cuts down your cost to be spent on hair therapies.

Another important tip for tracking down the best hair shampoo is to go through their online reviews form the past customers. Often, famous shampoos look appealing in ads but fail to offer positive results for all customers. This is so because all women have different type of texture, condition and color of hairs. It is not necessary that a shampoo that suited your sibling or friend also suits you the same way. Thus, always review the desired shampoo and examine if it would be able to provide positive results on your hair too or not.

Similarly, you must consider the condition of your scalp before picking out any shampoo. Look for the shampoo that contains ingredients which are not harmful for your scalp. For example, if you have dry scalp with dandruff, then the best hair shampoo for you will be the specific dandruff shampoo, not the regular one.

Lastly, if you have dyed hair, then you can retain their color for a longer time period by applying the shampoos that are designed specifically for colored hairs.

Follow these tips and get the best hair shampoo for your hair now!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Top 5 Acne Friendly Foods to Consider in Fighting Acne

Top 5 Acne Friendly Foods to Consider in Fighting Acne
The causes of acne are still a controversial issue for many people, especially to those who want to know what cause acne. There are a lot of studies related to what cause acne and there are a lot of causes mentioned including hormonal imbalance, damage on the skin, overproduction of oil in the skin and more. While all these factors affect the development of acne, there are also ways to prevent the occurrence of acne and you can do it by knowing some of the acne-friendly foods that will either prevent or provide treatments to acne. Here are some of the top acne-friendly foods that you need to know.

Brazil nuts are said to be one of the best ways to treat acne. However, it is a bit contradicting because many people believe that nuts are related to what cause acne. There are nuts that are greasy in nature, and this is what most people are thinking about. The reason why Brazil nuts are effective in providing treatment for acne is because of its power antioxidant called selenium. It is a kind of antioxidant present on Brazil nuts that provide treatment to acne.

Foods that are rich in Zinc like oysters, beans, poultry fish and more can be considered as acne-friendly foods. It is said that Zinc controls the release of male hormones, which is related to what cause acne. Zinc is also used by the body to effectively absorb Vitamin A, which is important in having a healthy skin.

Salmon, flaxseed and other foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are also part of the list. Omega-3 fatty acids help prevent inflammation on the skin, so it makes perfect sense why foods that are rich in Omega-3 are acne-friendly foods. Inflammation on the skin is one of the cause of acne so foods that are rich in Omega-3 can help stop acne from developing on your skin.

You may want to know what cause acne and ways to prevent it, but you also need to include foods to your diet that will protect your skin from scars if you have a sudden acne attack.  Orange, tomatoes, melons and other fruits and vegetables that are rich in Vitamin C can help protect your skin from damage and scars after an acne attack. Vitamin C is said to strengthen your cell walls and protects your skin from blemishes and scars. 

Eggs, almonds and other foods that are rich in Vitamin E can help protect your skin from scarring and damage caused by acne. Though they do not directly prevent or treat acne, they protect your skin from scarring because of acne attacks. It is not easy to get some Vitamin E from low-fat diets, but you can get them from whole grains, nuts, vegetable oils and more.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

False Beliefs about What Cause Acne

False Beliefs about What Cause Acne
Acne is a common condition especially to teens, and you will find most people to be an expert when it comes to what cause acne. Since most of them already experienced it, they will tell you a lot about the causes of acne. However, can you really be sure that they provide accurate information about it? Can you rely on information that is only based on experience when you are talking about what cause acne? Here are some of the common myths that you often hear about the causes of acne.

Some people might be telling you to avoid chocolate, fries and pizza because they said that it is one of the major causes of acne. Basically, acne is not related to the foods that you eat. Even though acne is also caused by the oil from your face, it doesn’t mean that oily or greasy foods must be avoided. You can avoid them for other reasons, but they are not harmful if you are only concerned about acne. Overproduction of oil on the skin is one of the causes of acne, and it is not related to the food that you eat.

When talking about what cause acne, washing your face on a daily basis is another issue. When people see others with a lot of acne, they often say that they are not washing their face daily. It is true that keeping your face clean is a good way to prevent acne, but failing to wash your face daily is not a main cause of acne. As a matter of fact, if you are not knowledgeable on the right way to wash your face, it might even be a factor in the development of acne. Wrong usage of cleansers is said to be a cause of acne.

Some people might also say that acne is just for teenagers. It is true that acne is quite common to teenagers, but it doesn’t mean that even adults will not experience this. However, acne is not severe to adults compare to teenagers. Hormonal imbalances during the teenage years can be a factor on what cause acne, but even people during their 30s can also experience this.

Exposure in the sun is another false belief of most people. They said that getting a tan will prevent the development of acne. The only thing that you are doing is damaging your skin cells, and it might even be a factor on what cause acne. Skin damage is said to be associated with the development of acne and overexposure to the sun can heavily damage your skin.

These are only some of the false beliefs on what cause acne. Some of the causes are not yet clear, but most of the studies suggest that these factors may affect the development of acne.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dos and Don’ts after Tooth Extraction

coffee and ice cream girls
Tooth extraction is basically the removal of a tooth from your mouth. This kind of small operation is done when a tooth is severely damaged by different factors like tooth decay and more. Though it is only a minor operation performed by dentists, there are a lot of things that you need to know about after tooth extraction. Here are some of the dos and don’ts after tooth extraction.

Keep biting on the gauze placed on your tooth for about half an hour after tooth extraction. The gauze is placed on the tooth to help stop the bleeding. After more than half an hour, you can throw it away immediately. You must remember the gauze is quite important to prevent the wound from bleeding too hard especially after the small surgery.

Take it easy for a while and stop yourself from doing heavy tasks or activities after tooth extraction. It is true that your tooth has nothing to do with your daily activities, but doing heavy tasks like exercising, carrying heavy stuffs and other activities may cause your tooth to bleed. Rest your body as much as possible to prevent bleeding and tooth pain. While you are resting, make sure that your head is higher. If you are sleeping for the night or taking a nap, put an extra pillow on your head.

Try to avoid hot food or drinks after tooth extraction and stop playing with your mouth, at least until the anesthetic is gone. This is essential because if the anesthetic is still active, you won’t feel anything on your mouth. Even if you drink a hot coffee, you won’t even know that your mouth is already burned until it wears off. Also, it is tempting to play with the area where your tooth was removed. Try to avoid this kind of thing because it may cause the wound to bleed.

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol after tooth extraction. Try to refrain from smoking for at least a couple of hours after your teeth are removed. The smoke can cause infection to your wound so make sure to stop smoking for a while. For alcohol, don’t drink for about 24 hours.

You can eat but choose what you will be eating after tooth extraction. Avoid any solid and hot foods at all cost. Even if you will chew on the other side of your mouth, there is still a possibility that some of the food might enter the wound. It may cause more problems to you, so eating soup can be an alternative. However, make sure that the soup is not too hot before you eat it. Burning your mouth will be another problem if you don’t pay attention to this.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

5 Simple Home Remedies for Tooth Pain that You Can Find on the Kitchen

5 Simple Home Remedies for Tooth Pain
Toothache is one of the most common conditions that many people are experiencing. The throbbing pain might be gentle or sharp, and there are times that it is extremely unbearable. The most common cause of tooth ache is dental cavity or a crack on the teeth. There are also certain conditions like jaw joint disorder or gum diseases that may cause toothache. However, it is highly recommended only to take advice from your dentist for tooth pain caused after tooth extraction.

Many people are looking for remedies for tooth pain. Some of them are even taking medications to relieve the pain. While these treatments are good to temporarily ease the pain from your tooth, what will happen if you do not have any medicines in your house? Do you have to go out and buy medicines for tooth pain? This is the reason why we are providing you some easy home remedies for tooth pain that are highly effective.

01. Cloves

Cloves are known as one of the best remedies for tooth pain. It helps relieve the pain because of its anti inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, and it is helpful to avoid complications that result in tooth extractions as well. There are different ways to use cloves to your teeth. You can get some clove oil and put it on a cotton ball. Press it on the affected area until the pain stops. You can also put a few drops of clove oil in the water and use it to rinse your mouth. You can grind some cloves as well and put it on a small amount of oil before you apply it on your tooth.

02. Garlic

Garlic can be found in almost any household, and if you suddenly experienced a tooth ache, you can use this immediately. If you can’t do anything because of the pain, get a few cloves of garlic and chew it to get relief for tooth pain. You can crush the garlic as well and add some rock salt. Put it on the affected area for faster relief.

03. Onion

Onion is known for its antimicrobial properties, so it is a great remedy for tooth pain. You can chew some raw onion if your tooth is aching. If you can’t bear the taste of raw onion, get a small piece and put it on your tooth.

04. Warm Salt

Warm salt water is a great way to remove tooth pain. Just put a half spoon of salt in warm water. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water to remove your tooth ache. This method can help reduce the swelling on your teeth, and it can kill the bacteria that are causing the infection. Do this at least 3x every day for better results.

05. Ice Cubes

If you have ice cubes on your refrigerator, you can also use this to alleviate the pain from your tooth. You can get some ice cubes, put it on a thin cloth and rub it on your cheek over the aching tooth. This is one of the best remedy for tooth pain that you can use.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Simple yet Effective Methods on How to Get Teeth White

Simple yet Effective Methods on How to Get Teeth White
Many people nowadays are looking on how to get teeth white. You can ask for a dentist to whiten your teeth for you but do you have to do this often just to get your teeth white? It costs a lot to ask your dentist to whiten your teeth especially if you have to do it once every 3 months. It might not be a hassle for some people, but there are some who want to know how to get teeth white naturally. Below are some of the simple tips that you can do to whiten your teeth without the need to go to your dentist.

The most basic of all the whitening methods is brushing your teeth after every meal. If you want to know how to get teeth white, this is probably the easiest way to do it, but you need to be well-disciplined when it comes to this. Many people forget their daily teeth brushing routine so if you think that you can keep this up every time you eat or drink anything, you can be sure that your teeth will whiten after a couple of months.

The use of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda also became a well-known method to people who are finding effective ways on how to get teeth white. This is highly popular because it is known as a natural teeth whitener. It is already tried and tested so many people are using it to whiten their teeth. Mix some hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to create a paste. Make sure that the paste is not too gritty because it can scrub the enamel once you apply it to your teeth. You can put the paste on the brush and apply it to your teeth. 

Olive oil  is a good teeth whitener, though only a few people know about this. You can always see some olive oil on your kitchen, but you don’t have any idea that you can use it for teeth whitening. Many people said that their teeth got whiter after applying olive oil. You can use your tooth brush to apply it on your teeth, or you can use a clean piece of cloth and wipe the olive oil on your teeth. Do this on a daily basis for several months to see the results.

Lemon or Orange peels can be great teeth whitening product as well. They can be used to whiten your teeth, but you need to rinse your mouth after applying it because the acidity of the fruits can remove the enamel from your teeth. This is one of the most effective ways on how to get teeth white if you use it properly.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Top 10 Easy ‘Natural Home Remedies’ for Dry Skin

‘Natural Home Remedies’ for Dry Skin

Dry and flaky face skin is one of the major skin problems faced by people in the winter season. A dry skin is normally the result of too much exposure to the sun or use of strong medication and soaps. Even improper diet also accelerates the dryness on your skin and thus assists the growth of various skin diseases. However, it does not means that you stay inside your home throughout the winter season or get worried by thinking of how to go to parties with such an itchy and dry skin!

There is always a cure for even serious skin issues and the best ones are the natural and homemade remedies. Below are the top 10 easiest, efficient and safest natural home therapies to cure your dry skin.

01. Olive oil

Olive oil is one those incredible oils which cure a dry skin by its anti-oxidizing features. Soak cotton in olive oil and apply to the dry, damaged and irritated parts of your skin. Rinse it after few minutes and see its wonders!

02. Honey

Honey is another incredible natural moisturizer which converts a dry skin into a softer one. Apply it evenly and rinse after 2-3 minutes.

03. Coconut Oil Or Milk

Coconut oil is a great moisturizer which not only adds softness and beauty to your skin but also smells incredibly good. Even you can also use coconut milk. It will heal your dry skin and also diminish the scars and spots which might have occurred due to scratching.

04. Aloe Vera

Aloe is one of the most effective natural herbs that cure a dry skin and protects it from dust particles. Squeeze out the gel from the Aloe Vera leaf and apply on the affected areas. Its daily use will cure your skin and give it a brighter look.

05. Lemon Juice

The direct application of lemon juice lessens the irritation caused by a dry skin. However, do not go direct into the sunlight after its application or you will end up into darker skin.

06. Vitamin E

The vitamin E capsules provide best cure for your dry skin. Squeeze out the oil out of the vitamin E capsule and apply it on your dry skin along with few drops of lime juice.

07. Glycerin

Glycerin absorbs and retains moisturizer on your skin. Apply it with few drops of lime juice and see how it efficiently cures your dry skin.

08. Papaya

The papaya cures your dry skin by removing dead cells and making your skin glow. Mash it and apply on your face and neck after proper massaging.

09. Oatmeal

Dilute oatmeal with lukewarm water and apply on your dry skin. It will give you a cooling and soothing effect.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar

It is best in curing dry patches on your skin. Apply it with a cotton ball and rinse off after few minutes.

Last but not the least, drink plenty of water daily and eat fresh vegetables and fruits and thus maintain a softer and brighter skin.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Is Hair Restoration Success?

Hair Restoration Success
Hair restoration is a medically approved treatment for both men and women who suffer from varying degrees of baldness due to a variety of reasons. It is a surgical process and requires the follicular units to be extracted from the areas where hair growth is better and shifted to the bald patches. It is a specialized procedure and has to be carried out by specialists.  The hair restoration process has helped patients who suffer from baldness due to various reasons like genetics, stress or even medical conditions like burns.

What is Hair Restoration?

Hair restoration is a long and tedious procedure. Here, the healthy hair follicles are removed carefully with the help of surgical punch or similar device from the area where the growth is good, usually the back of the head. This procedure is called the follicular unit extraction, or FUE. Once the hair is extracted, it is then implanted into the area in the head where the hair growth is sparse. This implantation is done using micro-surgical implanters and is a slow and time consuming process. The whole hair restoration procedure may take a day or two to complete. It is a painless process, and the patient is awake throughout the duration. It may take up to a year to see the absolute results of this medical procedure.

Why Has Hair Restoration Gained So Much Popularity?

In simple terms, hair restoration process restores hair. This procedure was initially used mostly by men to cure their baldness, but over the past few years it has gained immense popularity with women as well. Many celebrities have resorted to hair restoration to maintain their locks and mane. However, restoration of hair is also advised for burn patients, those who have less or no eyebrows, or those who suffer from medical conditions, which caused them hair loss. Top to all these factors, high success rate of this procedure is the prominent reason why it gained immense popularity within a short span of time.

The reason for the increased number of people turning towards hair restoration is also social and psychological. The hair is often referred to as the ‘crowning glory’, so the loss of hair, or the gradual process of losing hair, has a strong effect on one’s subconscious. Without really being aware, one starts feeling less appreciative of him/her. It affects different people in different ways. Some accept it as a part of growing up while others look around for solutions to prevent it. Its growing success is seen from the mushrooming of several clinics and centers offering attractive offers and discounts as compared to a few years back when hair restoration was unheard of.  People are ready to spend if it gives them that extra edge over others. However, before going in for the surgery, one should make sure that the doctor is specialized in this particular form of surgery and is registered with the medical association. Otherwise, it could lead to all kinds of problems, both medical and personal. If the hair restoration treatment is not done by a qualified doctor or specialist, the hopes of a head full of hair could turn into a hair-raising experience.

Many medicines, lotions, and hair growth treatments are marketed to reduce or stop hair fall, with promises of lustrous mane within days or months. Such treatments are time consuming, expensive (though it doesn’t appear so since we buy the products every now and then for a long time), messy and need regular follow-up. The hair restoration procedure is not a long and tenuous procedure which disrupts the patient’s life. The surgery or transplant is carried out in a day or two maximum, with a minimum post-transplant care. Cost-wise, hair replacement at a reputable clinic may be expensive, but it’s a one-time expenditure, so much more advantageous. This has encouraged more people to seek hair restoration as an effective option. Even though it is a surgical procedure, there are no ugly scars or cuts showing. This hair treatment also boasts of absolute guarantee, unlike others. All he/she gets to flaunt is a filled up pate! With so many advantages, hair restoration has become a very successful option for those fretting over receding hairline or loss of hair.